Monday, July 15, 2013

Morning After

5 year old C. aeneus male
I was pretty sure when I awoke that the C. trilineatus eggs I collected yesterday would be a mass of cottony fungus this morning.  I, of course, being the type of person that likes to experience failure first hand, did not follow the implicit instructions of a guru cory breeder. He assured me that by adding 5 drops of methylene blue and vigorously pumping air into the water it would prevent fungus  and other awful things from overtaking the eggs. Instead, I left them in a small plastic cup and changed the water with fresh water from the parent tank about every 3 hours because I was too lazy to drive to Spokane for the needed supplies.........Probably not a good sign for a budding superstar rare Cory breeder!
Why yes, that is carbon under my thumbnail
I creaked out of bed and stumbled in totally expecting to see white on every egg, but every single egg was tan and clear with now a little visible darker sphere inside.  (Hmmm, maybe I should get in my car and head out for needed supplies rather then kill my meager crop of Cory eggs.) I have to purchase my two 20 long breeder tanks from Petco before the sale ends anyway.........BUT will I manage to come home without rescuing all the starving sick Corys?  Stay tuned!

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